September 2021


September 16, 2021


Post date

September 16, 2021
As we settle into the new school year, we cannot help but relive the sights and sounds that made this summer so special.

After seasons of closure and much anticipation, Star Rock Ministries' camp, XLR8, welcomed 130 urban campers and leaders last month in Bass Lake, California.

At the beginning of the week, several of our partnership directors expressed a deep desire for their campers to be able to just be kids and play- to not have to care take of their 7 younger siblings, to not have to work 50 hours a week at their dad’s auto shop, to not have to carry and be responsible for the burdens of life at home. That would be a gift- even if just for one week.

What does that look like? Take 6th grade Angel, sitting in the amphitheater, awaiting instructions from the “head spies” before the night game. They told everyone that if they accomplished the mission, they would all become real, official spies. Angel’s eyes grew wide, a grin flashed across his round face, and as he clapped his hands with glee, he looked at a staff member and said, “I always wanted to be a spy!” He paused, then said, “Well, first a chef, then a spy.” 

Turns out Angel has dreams of opening a pizza parlor one day...Angel’s Pizzeria: Food So Good it’s Heavenly. Until then, an official spy will do.

Watch more campers experience this kind of wonder and joy by following the video link below.

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