May 2022


May 1, 2022


Post date

May 1, 2022

We are nearing the summer months and Star Rock Ministries could not be more expectant for the camp season ahead! Annually in April or May, SRM hosts a pre-summer leadership gathering with the directors and key volunteers for the urban organizations we work with throughout the summer for the XLR8 camps. However, for the last two years, this highly valued meeting has not been possible due to the pandemic. All of that changed just last week when SRM was able to safely gather with our partnerships for a meaningful gathering of pre-camp training, encouragement and preparation.

Before any partnership or camper steps foot on campus, Star Rock Ministries is investing in a vision of mutual leadership. While it would be simpler for SRM to plan summer camp all on its own, that's not the mission and partnership that has been a core value of SRM from the very beginning. In the Spring Leadership Planning meeting, Star Rock Ministries gets the opportunity to encourage, plan with, and most importantly, listen to the needs and goals of our urban organizations. While planning and preparing for camp is a crucial part of this gathering, the collaboration among urban organizations and with SRM is at the heart of this pre-summer meeting. Two integral questions that we ask our partnerships:

  1. What are your kids coming into this summer with? What have they been holding all school year?
  2. What goals and outcomes is your organization hoping for your kids at camp this summer?

The way that our partnerships answer these questions shape the very program and structure of SRM's summer camps. For Star Rock Ministries, it's not about simply giving camp to these kids. SRM is in the ministry of coming alongside these partnerships and helping equip and empower what they are already doing in the lives of their youth.

Join us in supporting these organizations. In addition to considering a donation to Star Rock Ministries, come alongside them by praying for the leaders and the youth they serve.