August 2020


August 18, 2020


Post date

August 18, 2020

As the summer months come to a close, we are reminded of the importance of what Star Rock Ministries is all about.

For the last 7 years, XLR8 Camp has been one of SRM's foundational programs. The title, "XLR8", is a term coined by Larry Acosta (founder of UYWI), pointing toward the very work of these camps: acceleration. The mission of these two one-week programs is to accelerate the relationships and growth found in urban youth programs by giving them the opportunity to venture out of the distractions of city life and into the beauty of the High Sierra. After experiencing a week of growing relationships, new skills and faith, youth programs are sent back home to build upon the experiences of camp.

Do you remember Pilar? We shared her story in the September monthly. She was one of many XLR8 campers during Summer 2019 who experienced incredible life change. Closer and more trusting of her youth pastor and peers, she went back home with greater self esteem and a new relationship with Christ. However, that is not the end of Pilar's story. Because of the faithful work of her youth pastor in the months following camp, Pilar was baptized in November 2019. She continues to be connected to and mentored by her church, long after her summer camp experience. In June of this year, Pilar had her quinceañera! However, because of Covid-19, she was not able to share this monumental celebration with her friends or extended family. Her youth pastor, knowing that her family wanted to do something special to celebrate Pilar, organized a small front yard gathering of her church family, socially distanced, to honor Pilar.

This is the mission of Star Rock Ministries and XLR8 Camp. Ongoing, intentional mentorship for urban youth through the transformational experience of summer camp. Check out some of the pictures below to see some of the growth Pilar has experienced all year long because faithful donations to Star Rock Ministries.
